
Tea Party Terrorists

Has the Vice President been reading my blog? Have the Democrats been reading this blog?

The vice president, no stranger to slips of the tongue, is denying news reports that he called Republicans and members of the Tea Party “terrorists” during a closed-door meeting with fellow Democrats on Monday. “There were some people who said they felt like they were being held hostage by terrorists,” Biden told CBS News. “I never said that they were terrorists or weren’t terrorists, I just let [Democrats] vent.”

I don’t recall calling the Republicans and members of the Tea Party “terrorists” in my blog. I just said that they should be arrested for treason for holding this country financially hostage. Either way, somebody in the Democratic party agrees with me.

Back to the Future: GOP in Da House!

Yeah, man.

It’s really scary. The Democrats lost the House. The American people foreclosed on the property yesterday. They just couldn’t pay the mortgage.

At least they still get to crash at the Senate. I hope they pay their rent on time.

Oh, and…

Christine O’Donnell is a LOSER! Maybe she’ll melt if you throw some water on her!

Civil War 2010: The Return of the Republicans

I predict that the “Tea Party” Republicans will take the House and the Democrats will retain their hold on the Senate.

Let the “Right Wing Conspiracy” begin. It’s like the mid 1990’s all over again. Those were “the good old days.”

I don’t think that Obama is goin’ out like Clinton though.

Not a chance.

Unemployment Benefits Passes the Senate

A moment of silence for West Virginia Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, who died last month at the age of 92.

Now, his successor, Carte Goodwin was the crucial 60th senator who defeated the evil Republican filibuster to pass the bill. Sounds like the title for a movie, “The 60th Senator”.

The bill would be the eighth extension of unemployment benefits since July 2008, and will extend them up to 99 weeks.

The Last Unemployment Bender

This is the Anacostia Diaries of Washington, D.C. This is not in the New York Times. Ask your girl, I’m the one who makes her pussy hairs uncurled, Leave Obama alone!.

This is some information type shit, slap your girl and tell her to put on some makeup, if you don’t understand get a kit or take a hit. Of this this crucial weed. Expand your mind, succeed. Make a retard a genius, no race card. No wonder a black man’s got scars. I’m not not Blackula I  don’t eat read meat I make beats that make you stop your feet. Look at Jesus hanging on a tree. He looks like some guy that got lynched for stealing palm trees. Wake up, Buddha. Look at all these fools! These cops don’t know the rules. Don’t turn off the radio. You ain’t got no stereo sound. I had enough bullshit outta you son of a bitch. Don’t get hurt cause you ain’t got no Obama healthcare.

Please, Republicans. Stop acting like assholes. People need their money to survive. Pass the Unemployment Insurance Extension. Now! Or, we will just vote for more Democrats. I’m sure you don’t want that.

D.C. Gets Medical Marijuana

The U.S. Senate passed a bill Sunday that clears the way for the District government to allow medical marijuana use.

“This is the biggest win for home rule in decades,” said Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.).
President Obama is expected to sign the bill into law this week.

The District would join Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington in allowing medical marijuana.

D.C. Council member David A. Catania (I-At Large), chairman of the Health Committee, supports medical marijuana but said city leaders will proceed with caution.
Aaron Houston, director of government relations for the Marijuana Policy Project, said he thinks medical marijuana could be available in the District by the end of 2010.

How’s this for an early Christmas present? I didn’t see this coming.


I wonder if I’ll be able to open up a marijuana shop next year. 

Geraldine Ferraro Goes "Bye Bye"

Geraldine Ferraro is resigning her fundraising position with Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign because of comments she made about Sen. Barack Obama.

Ferarro — the 1984 vice presidential nominee — suggested in a recent interview that Obama would not be where he is in the presidential race if he were not black.

Ferraro: Obama Successful Because He’s Black

The issue of race surfaced again, triggered by remarks made last week by Geraldine Ferraro, who in 1984 became the first woman candidate for vice president on a major party ticket.

On March 7, 2008, Ferraro, a Clinton fundraiser and supporter, told a small newspaper from Torrance, California called The Daily Breeze, saying:

“I think what America feels about a woman becoming president takes a very secondary place to Obama’s campaign – to a kind of campaign that it would be hard for anyone to run against,” she said. “For one thing, you have the press, which has been uniquely hard on her. It’s been a very sexist media. Some just don’t like her. The others have gotten caught up in the Obama campaign.

“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position,” she continued. “And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”

Senator Obama called Ferraro’s comments “patently absurd” and “divisive.” He spoke to ABC News’ morning television show.

“I think that if anybody was looking for the quickest path to the presidency, they would not say ‘I want to be an African-American man named Barack Obama.’ I do not think that is in the handbook for running for president,” he said.

Former congresswoman Ferraro appeared on the same ABC news program and said she is “absolutely not sorry” about her remarks.

“My comments have been taken so out of context and have been spun by the Obama campaign as racist, that you know, it is doing precisely what they do not want done,” she said. “It is going into the Democratic Party and dividing us even more.”

In a follow-up interview with the Daily Breeze, Ferraro stood by her comments and suggested that she is being attacked for this because she is white: “Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let’s address reality and the problems we’re facing in this world, you’re accused of being racist, so you have to shut up,” Ferraro said. “Racism works in two different directions. I really think they’re attacking me because I’m white. How’s that?”

Ferraro said she was commenting on the historic nature of Obama’s candidacy, saying that in 1984, if her name had been “Gerald Ferraro” instead of “Geraldine Ferraro” she would not have been chosen as a vice presidential candidate.

Ferraro had also made similar statements about former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson during the 1988 presidential election cycle, claiming that, because of his “radical” views, if “Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn’t be in the race.”.

Ferraro further insinuated on Fox News with Bill Hemmer that being black is easier than being a woman when running for office, using Shirley Chisholm as an example. This was in response to Hemmer’s question that people could make the same case that Hillary Clinton has benefited from being a woman just as Obama has benefited from being black as she claims.

Ferraro has made some good points. I have also said that there is something strange about this campaign. The media did not pay this much attention when Jessie Jackson ran for president in 1984 and 1988 the media thought he was a joke. Where was the media when Shirley Chisholm ran for president in 1972? Where is the media attention for Alan Keyes? He is a black man running for president in 1996, 2000 and 2008. When Rev. Al Sharpton ran for president in 2004, the media thought he was a joke. So why are things so different now?

If this country is “caught up in the concept” that a black man could be president, then how come Frederick Douglass never ran for president? W.E.B. DuBois would have been a good candidate. I’ll add to that list, Booker T. Washington, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X (maybe), Marcus Garvey, A. Philip Randolph, Douglas Wilder, Colin Powell, Ron Brown, Thurgood Marshall, Carter G. Woodson, and so many other black male leaders who would have made excellent candidates for president.

Again, why is this campaign, so different? Ferraro needs to watch what she says, but she has the right to say it. That is her First Amendment right.

Black people, heed my warning. Now you’re beginning to see the TRUE FACE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY’s White establishment.

The Future of Red, Blue, and Purple America: Election Demographics, 2008 and Beyond

Some things I found at this American Enterprise Institute conference are not surprising. In fact, I have mentioned these same issues in previous entries on this blog.

Unless you are married, middle-class (and preferably White) the Republican party is not interested in you. The Republican party is a party of the rich and affluent, not the poor, inner-city, minority, single mother that is struggling. According to the Republican party, you do not exist. The same goes for you young people that were born in the years 1977-plus.

It is obvious that being married and having a good job are factors for economic stability. That’s why the Republicans want you. People who are college-educated are less likely to get divorced and are more likely to be affluent.

The most powerful demographic that is important to both the Republican and Democratic parties is the professional, college-educated, young woman that is between the ages of 25-45. This is even more valuable if she is White. Even more so if she is a “soccer mom”.

There is a class and culture war in this country. I call this the Second Civil War. Secular vs. Evangelical? Young vs. old? Single vs. Married? Black vs. Hispanic?

The Youngest Generation (1980-plus) is less pro-choice than the “Baby Boomer” (1946-1960) generation. Surprising? Not really. Those of us born in the 1980’s see ourselves as the ones that would have been aborted. So how do you think we feel?

Why is there a correlation between death penalty opponents and pro-choice supporters? Why is there a correlation between pro-death penalty supporters and pro-life supporters? Do you see the irony here or is it just me?

There is an “emergent minority” in this country. Whites will be the minority in 2050. At that time the whole country will be mixed racially and multi-culturally.

There is a struggle between Blacks and Hispanics over jobs. There is no doubt that the Republicans and Democrats are taking advantage of this. CNN asked this question: Can Obama get the Hispanic vote?

We Blacks need to start courting the Republican vote. I know, I can’t believe that I said that, too. Or, how about this: If Blacks voted in large numbers for an Independent candidate it would be a huge disaster for the Democratic party.

Wow! Did you hear that pin drop? I just lost part of my readership there. The truth hurts.

I know that I said earlier that the Republican party has no answer for poor Black people. The Democratic party takes the Black vote for granted, but delivers nothing in return. So I suggest that we should do what the Hispanics did in the 2006 election. Just as they voted Democrat instead of Republican.

We should vote Republican instead of Democrat. With some conditions, of course. The Republican party is in decline. They need the Black vote to survive and they will give almost anything to to secure that vote. Them to speak to out communities and ask them to help us attain the “American dream.” Not give us a hand out, but a hand up. and they will have our loyalty like the Democrats have now.

Republicans vs. Democrats: What’s the difference?

The only difference between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to the African-American community are:

The Republicans will sell you a noose to hang yourself by and lock you up if you don’t.

The Democrats will give you a noose to hang yourself by and lock you up if you don’t.

Let’s not forget the “third parties”.

The Green Party will give you a noose that is made of enviromentally sustainable cotton or hemp or one with fibers made out of recycled plastic bags to hang yourself and lock you up if you don’t.

The Libertarians don’t care how you kill yourself, as long as you do it with no government interference and will rather shoot you than lock you up if you don’t.

American politics is not for black people. It’s time to find a way to make it work for us or abandon the system all together.

Black people need to stop depending on the government to take care of their needs. We need to get our act together and do for ourselves. Stop making excuses and blaming others for our problems and start taking responsibility for ourselves.