
Back to the Future: GOP in Da House!

Yeah, man.

It’s really scary. The Democrats lost the House. The American people foreclosed on the property yesterday. They just couldn’t pay the mortgage.

At least they still get to crash at the Senate. I hope they pay their rent on time.

Oh, and…

Christine O’Donnell is a LOSER! Maybe she’ll melt if you throw some water on her!

Civil War 2010: The Return of the Republicans

I predict that the “Tea Party” Republicans will take the House and the Democrats will retain their hold on the Senate.

Let the “Right Wing Conspiracy” begin. It’s like the mid 1990’s all over again. Those were “the good old days.”

I don’t think that Obama is goin’ out like Clinton though.

Not a chance.

Ralph Is Baaack!

All of the Washington Lobbyists and Special Interests… Run for the Hills! Evacuate the city!

Ralph Nader is running for president again!

Why? Why does he have to do this s—? If he hadn’t of run in 2000, Al Gore would have won! now, he’s really f—— things up.

Now, Obama or Hillary will have to win Texas. There is no choice.

I really think that Al Gore should run for president. I know he wants to. I would actually consider voting for him.

(This is going to hurt my chances in 2016 against Chelsea Clinton when I run for president! Thanks Nader. Thanks a lot.)

Obama vs. Clinton

Now that John Edwards is out of the presidential campaign, this is really starting to heat up! It almost reminds me of the movie Alien vs. Predator. Barack Obama is the alien while Hillary Clinton is the Predator.

As in the movie, it does not matter who wins.

We all still lose in the long run.

Happy New Year 2008!

Hello. And Happy New Year. Let’s hope that this year is a more prosperous and fortunate one.

If you are dependent on Metro, get ready to dig in your wallet a little deeper. Metrobus/rail has jacked up the fares on us!

  • If you have a Smartrip pass, the bus fare is still $1.25, but if you are using cash it is $1.35. Paper transfers will be eliminated in 2009. (No more transfers!)
  • Catching the Metro during peak hours is $1.65 to $4.00!
  • For other info go to: metroopensdoors.com.

With all this money being spent there had better be buses and trains on time, Metro employees with decent behavior, professional conduct, and nice attitudes, especially those damm bus drivers.

The 2008 Election Cycle

I’m not surprised that Obama and Huckabee won the Iowa Caucus.

I’m not endorsing anyone. No one from either campaign or party has contacted me. No one gives a f— about this blog or its author. So why should I give my vote?

That’s right. I’ve heard it all before. Why should I bother to vote? My vote does not count.

In the whole scheme of things, our votes really don’t count.

The Future of This Blog

I still have not changed my decision. Unless I see some mainstream interest, or money sponsoring this blog, I’m shutting it down in April or March.

So, Happy New Year – Prospero Nuevo Ano