barack obama

The ‘Gang of Six’

The Gunfight at the OK Corral Gang of Six is a bipartisan group of three Democrats and three Republican senators tasked with drafting a realistic proposal to reduce the nation’s debt and rein in the deficit that can pass the Congress and avoid President Obama’s veto pen. Here’s a breakdown of the gang members. 

Democrats: • North Dakota Sen. Kent Conrad, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. • Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, Senate Majority Whip • Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, member of the Senate Budget Committee. 

Republicans: • Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss, member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. • Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo, member of the Senate Budget Committee. • Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, member of the Senate Finance Committee.

This is the group that is going to pass a plan to cut spending by $3.7 trillion over the next decade that includes a major overhaul of the tax code and alterations to the way the federal government pays for Social Security and Medicare. By eliminating loopholes and write-offs in the tax code, the proposal would beef up the Treasury’s coffers by more than $1 trillion, gang members say.

Also, the plan would immediately reduce the marginal income tax rate, abolish the alternative minimum tax, create an entirely new set of tax brackets and slash $80 billion from defense.

I hope this plan passes.

Or, we are all f—–.

White House Releases President Obama’s Birth Certificate

So now that proves it. Are you happy now you f—— Tea Party people? Now shut the f— up and concentrate on solving the problems that we have in this country.

Donald Trump is a stupid ass f—-. What right does he have to question anyone’s legitimacy?

Enough Already!

Enough of the Obama signs already! He is president now. Obama t-shirts I can understand. The hats and caps have to go. The Obama watches are collectors items. They should not be worn.

Put the Obama Campaign signs and buttons away. We’re going to be seeing his face for the next five years and in encyclopedias long after that. Put the photos away.

Obama’s daughters are cute little girls. Enough about them already. The talk I hear from some guys about those girls is quite scary if you ask me. It seems that they can’t wait until Malia Obama turns 18 years old. You know what I’m saying. Such perverts.

As for those who get the Obama haircuts:

You will not look like Obama! Get over it!

I even know people with Obama tattoos. You are some sick people. You don’t see me with a Michelle Obama tattoo. I will never get one.

Any man who is so obsessed enough to wear another man’s name on his body is gay. So when you ask the question, How come you don’t have any Obama gear?

Because I am not a faggot. I would like one of those Obama watches though.

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Lord Mufada and Kid Sunday on Obama!

“And in those days there will be the sign of an ‘O’ of hope and revolution in America.” Mufada said.

Then Kid Sunday asked, “You mean them Oprah magazines, or What you sayin, Main Man?”

“The one that is called out of Africa and Kansas.” Mufada said.

“Kansas? Some African dude from Kansas? Whatever.” Kid Sunday said.

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Barack Hussein Obama First African-American President

What more is there to say? The United States of america has a Black president now.

I am so happy. Let’s just sober up and realize here that things are pretty much going to stay the same for the time being. whatever influence that President Obama does have will not be seen for years to come. Remember, under the Clinton Administration, things really didn’t better until his second term.

Gives you something to think about after that hangover you’re gonna have tomorrow.

Obama Sweeps to Victory In History-Making Election

The long night of our discontent is over. We the American People have spoken.

Our ancestors have spoken. America has heard their cries.

We now have Barack Obama has the first, true African-American has our president-elect. A new era has begun.

Celebrate now. Party like it’s still 1999.

Then when it’s over, roll up your sleeves. We got work to do.

God Bless America


God Bless Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America.

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What’s Happening?

A lot is happening in the world. I’m not writing about it.

What’s the point?

It seems that Senator Obama is not the only one having problems with his pastor. Senator McCain’s pastor, John Hagee. This guy has called Jews the “whore of Babylon”, said the “Holocaust was a good thing”, describes Islam as “anti-Christ” and Mohammed as “the mouthpiece of a conspiracy of spiritual evil.”

And they have the nerve to criticize Rev. Jeremiah Wright!

What? Wright is harmless compared to Hagee.

Another topic is China and Burma.

I think that the earthquakes in China is God’s judgment against them for how they’re treating the Tibetans. The flood is God’s judgment against the Burmese for how they’re killing those Buddhist monks.

You don’t do stuff like that without making the universe/nature turn against you. Dr. M.L. King once said that the “Arc of the universe leans towards justice.”

Justice is coming to those who mistreat others! Be aware and follow the golden rule.

Last topic.

The Akaka Bill might cause a civil war in Hawaii. The idea is to give “Native Hawaiians” the same privileges as Native Americans. While I like the idea of independence and self determination for any ethnic group, there are several problems with this bill.

First off, Congress does not have the authority to create new sovereigns outside the U.S. Constitution. It is also prohibited by the Fifth and 14th Amendments.

I argue though that Congress did create new sovereigns when it passed the 14th Amendment. Ironic isn’t it?

Native Hawaiians are not Native Americans according to the U.S. Constitution. The term “Indian tribes” has a specific meaning. The history of the indigenous Hawaiians is not the same as the history of the Native Americans.

Native Americans were persecuted and their tribal lands were seized by the United States. Hawaiians peacefully ended their monarchy and voted to become a state.

Hawaiians are not separate from other Americans, but live together in a diverse society. Hawaii is the most integrated and blended society in America.

This is the state that gave us presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama, who supports this bill. It is said that despite the bill passing or not, the Native Hawaiians are going to start their Autonomous government regardless.

This can lead to a new civil war or possibly a new world war if China chooses to take the side of the Native Hawaiians.

This is a very important situation because if the Hawaiians get their recognition and reparations as sovereign citizens:

a) then the Native Mexicans that existed in the American Southwest before the Mexican/Spanish-American war will have to get theirs and

b) the so-called African-Americans (also known as Negro, Black and Colored), who have been here since the founding of the United States of American will have to be given theirs.

Once this can of worms is open, it will open season for every ethnic group, religious cult and crazy wackos in general to declare their sovereign citizenship. And the U.S. Government doesn’t want that.


The Color of Their Skin, or Content of Their Character? – Roll Call
Social Engineers in Paradise –

Obama related to Pitt, Clinton to Jolie

On Oct 19, 2007, I posted a story about Sen. Barack Obama and Vice President Cheney being distant cousins. Now, it seems that Sen. Obama is also related to actor Brad Pitt, and Hillary Rodham Clinton is related to Pitt’s girlfriend, Angelina Jolie.

Researchers at the New England Historic Genealogical Society found some remarkable family connections for the three presidential candidates — Democratic rivals Obama and Clinton, and Republican John McCain.

Clinton, who is of French-Canadian descent on her mother’s side, is also a distant cousin of singers Madonna, Celine Dion and Alanis Morissette. Obama, the son of a white woman from Kansas and a black man from Kenya, can call six U.S. presidents, including George W. Bush, his cousins. McCain is a sixth cousin of first lady Laura Bush.

“You’d think with all that singing talent in the family she’d be able to carry a tune,” Clinton’s senior adviser Philippe Reines said. “But now it makes much more sense how she snagged a Grammy.”

Clinton won for best spoken word Grammy in 1997 for “It Takes a Village.” Obama also won a Grammy in that category this year for the audio version of his book, “The Audacity Of Hope: Thoughts On Reclaiming The American Dream.”

Genealogist Christopher Child said that while the candidates often focus on pointing out differences between them, their ancestry shows they are more alike than they think.

“It shows that lots of different people can be related, people you wouldn’t necessarily expect,” Child said.

Obama has a prolific presidential lineage that features Democrats and Republicans. His distant cousins include President George W. Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry S. Truman and James Madison. Other Obama cousins include Vice President Dick Cheney, British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill and Civil War General Robert E. Lee.

Obama often jokes about his cousin Cheney at campaign appearances.

“His kinships are across the political spectrum,” Child said.

Child has spent the last three years tracing the candidates’ genealogy, along with senior research scholar Gary Boyd Roberts, author of the 1989 book, “Ancestors of American Presidents.”

Clinton’s distant cousins include beatnik author Jack Kerouac and Camilla Parker-Bowles, wife of Prince Charles of England.

McCain’s ancestry was more difficult to trace because records on his relatives were not as complete as records for the families of Obama and Clinton, Child said.

Obama and President Bush are 10th cousins, once removed, linked by Samuel Hinkley of Cape Cod, who died in 1662.

Pitt and Obama are ninth cousins, linked by Edwin Hickman, who died in Virginia in 1769. Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, declined to comment on the senator’s ancestry.

Clinton and Jolie are ninth cousins, twice removed, both related to Jean Cusson who died in St. Sulpice, Quebec, in 1718.

The New England Historic Genealogical Society, founded in 1845, is the oldest and largest nonprofit genealogical organization in the country.

To paraphrase author David Icke, United States Presidents are not chosen by ballot, they are chosen by blood!

Our leaders are chosen by genes, not by votes.

DENISE LAVOIE. “Obama related to Pitt, Clinton to Jolie”, Associated Press, March 26, 2008.
Lynne Cheney: ‘Dick and Barack Obama are eighth cousins.’Lynne Cheney says that according to her own genealogical research, Dick Cheney is an eighth cousin of Illinois senator Barack Obama, both descended from Mareen Duvall, a 17th-century French immigrant.
Cheney and Obama are distant cousins: Mrs. Cheney“, Reuters, 2007-10-16.
Obama and Cheney, Making Connections“, October 17, 2007, p. A06. Notable Descendants of Mareen Duvall
Hasani Gittens. “Dissing cousins: Obama, Cheney, Bush related“, October 17, 2007. Mentions Chicago Sun-Times article from early September as the source.

Geraldine Ferraro Goes "Bye Bye"

Geraldine Ferraro is resigning her fundraising position with Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign because of comments she made about Sen. Barack Obama.

Ferarro — the 1984 vice presidential nominee — suggested in a recent interview that Obama would not be where he is in the presidential race if he were not black.

Ralph Is Baaack!

All of the Washington Lobbyists and Special Interests… Run for the Hills! Evacuate the city!

Ralph Nader is running for president again!

Why? Why does he have to do this s—? If he hadn’t of run in 2000, Al Gore would have won! now, he’s really f—— things up.

Now, Obama or Hillary will have to win Texas. There is no choice.

I really think that Al Gore should run for president. I know he wants to. I would actually consider voting for him.

(This is going to hurt my chances in 2016 against Chelsea Clinton when I run for president! Thanks Nader. Thanks a lot.)